Friday, April 30, 2010


1. KIDS: "Your dream home"
Giving kids paper and markers/crayons to draw their imaginary houses. We'll pin the drawings on the strings hanging on the glass of the bus shelter.

(For this one, should we have ONLY kids create drawings for it, or perhaps anyone can draw their dream home? What do you think?)

2. TEENS: "What home means to you"
Draping drular sheets over the outside glass panels, and hanging sharpies for people to write with.
This will make a great interactive aspect, and it'll create an art piece after wards.

3. ADULTS: Have a large printed out map of Toronto, (outlines) and have people place a dot where they live. By the end of the night, we'll have hundreds of dots; connecting the city together.

1 comment:

  1. I say we should let everyone draw, we can encourage people as they draw to be as imaginative as possible. I think it will help everyone get into the spirit of shelter.
    also then we can compare who's better at imagining adults or kids ;)
